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Shadow work is the core of all psychotherapeutic practices. It is the practice of uncovering, understanding and working with our Shadow: Everything about us that we are unable to see. This will include our unconscious emotions, traumas, beliefs and relationship patterns.
Only about 10% of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and actions come from our conscious awareness. This means that a whopping 90% or so remains unknown. They are in the Shadow. In shadow work we explore our unconscious beliefs, relationship patterns, feelings and emotions in order to bring them into the light of consciousness. Once revealed, they no longer have the same power over us.
To help us access unconscious material we need a safe, non judging environment. Often processing takes place at the end of a Breathwork session when we are already in a deeper state and subconscious material is easier to access.
All that we have put into the shadow operates us unconsciously, causing havoc in our relationships, health, wealth and success. When we begin to bring out to be seen we get to know who we really are, have a chance to actually love ourselves (as opposed to who we think we should be), and be emotionally intimate with another human being. We get to choose what beliefs we want to keep and what to let go of, and begin to and and respond rather than react. Getting to know and even love our shadow is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves!